Thursday, July 04, 2024

The Directions Aren't That Hard

Lift the cry of Freedom!
As citizens of the glorious but sometimes imperfect United States of America, let's resolve to keep the Union Forever!

Come on friends, treat other people and their choices and beliefs with respect.  Don't deliberately provoke others.  Be thankful that the nation which makes allowance for YOU likewise makes allowances for someone NOT LIKE YOU.

Our heritage is that mutual respect, a resolve to treat others fairly, aspirations to preserve choice and respect for ages to come.
Let's avoid the whole finger-pointing, name-calling thing.  And get along.  Don't be morons!  You're acting like that when you denigrate someone else's upbringing or ancestral source.  In humility, acknowledge that you yourself ain't a pinnacle of perfection.

We're just trying to make things better, TOGETHER.  Try it!

The Union Forever!  Or as someone said, "Out of many, one."

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© by Mark Alfred