But I went ahead and bought the two-disc set (audio CD + audio DVD) and listened to the 2nd disc on my DVD player in 5.1 Dolby.
Fun! For the young and the old, as I discovered when Jazra came in and started jam-dancing to "Lady Madonna."
It all sounds pretty good, and the idea of cross-overlaying songs is nothing new. The Beatles Remixers Group has been doing it for years, with Astounding Results!
Anyway, I'm thankful that crass commercialism (the Circus del Yuppie) led the way to a fun re-interpretation of my friends. Come on, it ain't blasphemy. You'll always have the originals. And if you don't, you can get them at Target.
BLOG ENTRY TITLE: "It ain't Spinach" etc refers to the James Thurber cartoon wherein a kid is refusing to eat whatever his parents have set before him. With his arms crossed and a scowl on his face, he announces, "I say it's spinach, and the hell with it!" Later this line was used as a song by Mr. Irving Berlin
1) "wrinkled lip/Elvis" refers to the most common visual imitators' attempt to look like Mr. Presley, the Elvis "sneer"
2) "Fun for the young and the old" is a reference to the Bill Gaither song "Plenty of Room in the Family" which has a line, "room for the young and the old"
3) "with Astounding Results" is an imitation of the old-fashioned way advertising posters used capitalization seemingly on a whim, specifically the Mr. Kite poster used by John for the song lyrics
4) "re-interpretation of my friends" is a reference to getting by "with a little help from my friends"
5) "You'll always have the orginals" etc -- a reference to Rick Blaine's lines to Ilsa in Casablanca that they would "always have Paris" in their memories