Friday, October 04, 2019

The Ghouls -- edited by Peter Haining

Scary Books, Kiddies!

 The Ghouls.  Edited by Peter Haining, 1971.  Pocket, 1972.  No cover credit

            Pocket Books doesn’t give the name of the cover artist.  We all recognize the images.  However, this cover is an egregious example of bait and switch.

            Starting clockwise with the center image are:
  • Bela Lugosi as Dracula;
  • Carol Borland as Luna in 1935’s Mark of the Vampire;
  • Lon Chaney, Sr as The Phantom of the Opera;
  • Boris Karloff as the monster of Frankenstein; and
  • Lon Chaney, Jr as The Wolf Man.
            Funny thing is, these “eighteen spine-tingling monster tales that became the most famous horror movies” don’t include anything relating to London After Midnight, Frankenstein, or The Wolf Man.

            Here are the actual contents:

·        Introduction, Vincent Price
·         The Devil in a Convent, Francis Oscar Mann
·         The Lunatics, Edgar Allan Poe
·         Puritan Passions, Nathaniel Hawthorne
·         Phantom of the Opera, Gaston Leroux
·         The Magician, Somerset Maugham
·         Freaks, Tod Robbins
  Most Dangerous Game, Richard Connell
·         Dracula’s Daughter, Bram Stoker
·         All That Money Can Buy, Stephen Vincent Benét
·         The Body Snatcher, Robert Louis Stevenson
·         The Beast With Five Fingers, W.F. Harvey
·         The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms, Ray Bradbury
·         The Fly, George Langelaan
·         Black Sunday, Nikolai Gogol
·         Incident at Owl Creek Bridge, Ambrose Bierce
·         Monster of Terror, H.P. Lovecraft
·         The Skull, Robert Bloch
·         The Oblong Box, Edgar Allan Poe
·         Afterword, Christopher Lee



I will give this paperback to the first fiend who emails me, at  Shoot me your request.  I’ll reply to the FIRST one with a request for your mailing address.  Yes, FREE and postage paid!

See you next time, kiddies!

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

More Munsteriffic Fun for 2019

Yes, we're still not done sharing the contents of Whitman Publishing Co's The Munsters coloring book from 1964, as defaced by generations of Alfred children (perhaps including your humble correspondent).

In the sort-of storyline, another clueless male has tried to woo Marilyn, only to be perplexed by her family.  We pick up the tale as he brings Marilyn home from as costume party (at which Herman won First Place with his own face, natch!).

Today's pains -- I mean, panes:

See you again on Friday!

Tuesday, October 01, 2019

MA-102 - Sixties Shock Sessions

Welcome to BLOG-O-WEEN!

            For the beginning of this wonderfully creepy time of year, it’s a new music comp.  here are the bloody ingredients for this monstrous mash:

01 - Halloween - Ron Haydock and the Boppers   1961  (2:49)
02 - Suffocate - Ralph Smedley   1962  (2:04)
03 - The Cave (Parts 1 & 2) - Gary “Spider” Webb   1961  (4:43)
04 - Dracula - Desmond Dekker   1964  (2:52)
05 - Serpents & Spiders - Jimmy Friis & the Valiants   1964  (2:52)
06 - The Booga Man - The Poindexter Brothers   1965  (2:44)
07 - The Invasion Is Coming - The Invasion   1967  (1:45)
08 - Frankenstein - King Horror   1969  (2:12)
09 - Haunted House - Joey Tedeschi and the Idols   1966  (2:19)
10 - Dracula Cha Cha - Los Dandies   1960  (3:00)
11 - Dorothy, My Monster - The Champions   1961  (2:04)
12 - The Monster Miss - Miss L L Louise Lewis   1962  (1:38)
13 - Haunted Castle - The Kingsmen   1963  (2:47)
14 - The Birds - The Motivations   1963  (2:12)
15 - Spider Walk - The Sabres   1965  (2:29)
16 - Two Souls - The Grim Reapers   1966  (2:54)
17 - The Friendly Undertaker - ‘Fingers’ Lee   1965  (2:48)
18 - Gary Ghoul Boy - Teddy and Darrel   1966  (2:25)
19 - I Ain't Superstitious - Howlin' Wolf   1961  (2:50)
20 - There Was a Fungus Among Us - Hugh Barrett & the Victors   1961  (2:01)
21 - People from Another World - Jive Five   1961  (2:26)
22 - Wolf Gal - Skipper Ryle   1962  (2:18)
23 - Why Do I Love You - Bela la Goldenstein   1962  (2:09)
24 - Transylvania Mist - Donnie and the Del Chords   1963  (2:28)
25 - The Addams Family Theme (long) - Vic Mizzy   1964  (1:22)
26 - Go Go Gorilla - The Shandells   1965  (2:53)
27 - Igor's Cellar - The Detergents   1965  (3:02)
28 - Horror Asparagus Stories - The Driving Stupid   1966  (2:34)
29 - Sleepy Hollow - The Last Word   1966  (2:50)
30 - In My Grave - The Reactions   1968  (2:46)
31 - The Maddest Story Ever Told (from Spider Baby) - Lon Chaney, Jr   1967  (2:19)

Yes, it’s a disgusting, wild, and woolly ride from now until the Thirty-First!

Come back every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for new posts on the Super Blog.  And visit every Monday and Thursday at the Record Round-Up for new posts of Halloween audio shenanigans!

Welcome to my world!
All original content
© by Mark Alfred