Monday, February 24, 2025

The Bottom But Not of the Barrel!

Here are half the card on the bottom row of my laptop desktop, with notes.
The combination of studied anarchy, elucidation, joyful ethnic humor, and the wonderful Margaret Dumont (not pictured) make the Brothers Marx some of my idols.
Franz Liszt wrote music passionate and/or rational.  He's also my idol for his stupendous piano transcriptions of the Beethoven Symphonies, played revelatorily by Cyprien Katsaris. 
Who could fail to be charmed and inspired by this Neal Adams depiction of Supergirl, from the cover of Action #373.
Mr Waverly, the head of the New York HQ of the United Network Command for Law and Enforcement.
Two robots everybody should know!
Tom Terrific and Manfred the Wonder Dog stood for goodness and rightness, especially against Crabby Appleton.

See you on Thursday for the final installment of this tour of these formative impressers on my character!
All original content
© by Mark Alfred