Friday, October 11, 2024

These Didn't Fall Out

For awhile, I was happily picking up copies of Scary Monsters magazine in the early 1990s.  A few issues enclosed some cards, reminiscent of the Topps cards of the sixties.  Here are three of the few I have:

I never read the MR MONSTER comic, nor encountered Uncle Ted and Nefu Ned.  However, I assure you that Zacherly is definitely an entertainer for which I have NO appreciation.  Just a matter of taste, kiddies!

See ya Monday.

Wednesday, October 09, 2024

Them Thar Feet Is Big

This hyar story from the local rag is about a hairy guy possibly living in our own Sooner State.
To me, "Boggy Bottom Monster" sounds like a villain in a diaper commercial.
This is from the July 30, 2006 Oklahoman.  Note the writer credit, a "staff writer."  I don't know how many of those the paper has today.  (Although the phone number at article's end has a Dallas area code.)

I like the felicitous phrase "fleeting furry freak," don't you?  See you Friday for some FICTIONAL monsters!

Monday, October 07, 2024

Were YOU Scared Too?

Lovecraft: A Biography.  Abridged by the author.  By L Sprague de Camp.  Ballantine, 1976.  Cover art by Murray Tinkelman.

           This is a fine read, due to de Camp’s writing skills.  The hardback was just over 500 pages—I’ve read it too.  This abridgment “by the author” gets us down to 480 paperback pages. 

            Look at Murray Tinkelman’s cover art and explain why a dragon is erupting from the head of ol’ Aich-Pee Ell.

            It so happens that de Camp and his lovely wife Catherine were guests of Norman, OK’s PsurrealCon in February 1990.

            And he was gracious enough to autograph my paperback!

             See you in the stacks, kiddies!


All original content
© by Mark Alfred