Thursday, September 07, 2023

Alive and Well (Tolkien, That Is)

About the time this article came out in the November 1972 Campus Life, I had already read the Lord of the rings (and The Hobbit, natch) a time or two.

Some of you campers may not know that Campus Life was a magazine from Youth for Christ that in those mid-'70s was fun and not too tragically unhip.

This interview with a Lit prof (and acquaintance of Tolkien) emphasizes the philosophical ideas of power and sacrifice, in contradistinction to a notion of the books as a silly sword-and-sorcery wizards' war.

See you Monday.

Monday, September 04, 2023

How Many Super Books Do YOU Have?

This survey of books about the Man of Steel is a little outdated.  It's from Amazing Heroes #136, cover-dated February 29, 1988.  Surely some of you cool cats know that date represents Superman's 50th birthday!

Hailing from the era before at-your-finger computeristic databases, the stories selected for reprint are an interesting mélange.

See you Thursday! 
All original content
© by Mark Alfred