Monday, January 13, 2025

Let's Get EERIE!

Herewith commences a voyage through one of my brain's foundational documents!  Eerie #15 is cover-dated June 1968.  This means that my insightful parents were A-OK with their eleven-year-old reading such glorious nonsense.  Hooray for Mom and Dad!

Of course, these images are scanned from my personal copy, bought at the Git-n-Go in Bartlesville, OK.
Above is inside the front cover.  I'm pretty sure that most of these albums were radio broadcasts.
Got some pretty hefty artists there on the masthead!
The first letter refers to Eerie #13, which can be read page-by-page beginning on June 22, 2011 here on the Super Blog.  However, due to ancient tech, you have to click on each image in the post to read them.

So, research with a cyclotron led to the discovery of some long-lost burial monuments.  You just know THAT'S going to work out good, right?!?

Beware the breakthrough!

Yup, ole Mitchell might not like what's fixin' to BREAK THROUGH!  Heh-heh-heh!
Dontcha wish you could go back in time and order these back issues at these prices?

See you on Thursday with our next installment of Eerie #15!

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