Monday, February 06, 2023

Kindergarten's Guarded Love

That is, for Valentine's 1962, we five-or-six-year-olds were directed to give a Valentine to each classmate. Whether we loved 'em, or loathed them, or even knew anything about 'em.

For example, the above Valentine.  I don't remember if this particular Danny was in my Kindergarten class, or even a neighbor from down the street.  But by golly, Valentine giving was the thing society said to do, so we did it.

Likewise, Patty & Mike were siblings two doors down who were older (Patty) and younger (Mike) than I.  We knew each other too well from scraped knees and my teasing them, to want to get too affectionate.  Maybe nostalgia will remove my sharp edges in their memories ...

See you Thursday!


  1. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Danny Crouch? That cursive isn’t a 1st grader, good old Mom must have filled his out!

  2. There were NO Dannys in the Kindergarten class, so I think this is from Dan Berry, from the neighborhood.
