Tuesday, December 07, 2021

A Late December!

Here are the pages for December from the PsychoFLAIRapy calendar. Sorry to be tardy!

Those crazy PsychoFLAIRians, as you've noticed, wear nothing but G-strings and bikinis all year round.

PS -- as a special reward for sticking with us through the entire year of "1971=2021" calendar pages ...
Here's the BACK side of the December calendar.  It's proof that my talents don't run to freehand sketching.


  1. Wesley10:26 AM

    Intersting calander. . . save one thing:

    I notice that for December of 1971, the 9th occurs twice, once on the first Friday, and then again on the second Thursday. Now while I am only a year behind you, and we are starting to get older, I am pretty darn sure that December of 1971 DID NOT have two ninths. (maybe 2 or 3 5ths, but no double ninths) I aught to know as I was there!

    Psych indeed-

    Wesley H.

  2. That's just an illusion! At first glance I "saw" the same thing, but the first Friday on the calendar is indeed the numeral "3" --- compare it with the others on the page. The font or written numerals are odd and squiggly, and the "3" can be mistaken for a "9." If you zoom in on the scan you can tell for sure.
