Friday, October 23, 2020

In 1977, Reader's Digest Plugged the Crappy King Kong

The 1977 King Kong not only had crummy effects, even at its release, the acting from Jeff Bridges, Charles Grodin, etc, was cringeworthy.

The final lines quoting the bigshot producer syas it all with its dismissive, imperceptive tone.  What a clown!
You may find Monday's offering more exciting.  Check back and see.  It's the final week of BLOG-O-WEEN!

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

TV Guide Wraps Up DARK SHADOWS' Dangling Storylines!

In October 1971, after Dark Shadows' cancellation, a wag at TV Guide put his tongue in cheek and came up with his own "what happened next" for the storylines and characters.

It's from the October 9, 1971 TV Guide.

See you on Friday!

Monday, October 19, 2020

Operators and "Things" -- Brrrr!

Scary Books, Kiddies!

I’ll be honest, friends. This paperback caught my eye solely because of its title, which portended something like Frank Edwards’s “Strange Things” series.

No. Check out the subtitle. This book is genuinely disturbing and creepy. It will stir you to horror and compassion for the inner torments suffered by the author, so vividly laid out in mostly flat, emotionless language. I read this only once, in 1991. But now I feel honor-bound to give it another examination.

If you aren’t wigged out by the distorted perceptions narrated by the author, check out the note I found inside after purchase. I’ve transcribed it below:

But I challenge you to read this book and still after having first to its conclusion and be able to positively say that our mad friend was really mad and truly deluded – could it be possible there is an unseen world in which each person can build thought forms that are “real”? in “that” time and “that” place?  [over]  cross circuiting between two realities.  To be able to operate to still exist in this body we must have only one reality hence the necessity for ridding ourselves of any intruding realities or at least being able to keep them separate and under control.

I wonder if the note-writer was familiar with the metaphysical concept of the Tulpa or thought-form. 

Pretty profound, kiddies!

            If you wish, you may download a PDF of the text at

             See you on Wednesday, stuffed shirts and humble types!