Wednesday, October 21, 2020

TV Guide Wraps Up DARK SHADOWS' Dangling Storylines!

In October 1971, after Dark Shadows' cancellation, a wag at TV Guide put his tongue in cheek and came up with his own "what happened next" for the storylines and characters.

It's from the October 9, 1971 TV Guide.

See you on Friday!


  1. I actually have that article, from when I followed the show back in the day.

    "a wag at TV Guide"... Um, you did read it, and realize that Sam Hall was a writer on the show itself? If I remember correctly, he was also the head writer, and married to Grayson Hall (Julia Hoffman), so his view of how things could have ended has quite an authentic ring to it.

  2. I actually have that article, from when I followed the show back in the day.

    "a wag at TV Guide" - Um, you did read the article, and see that Sam Hall was a writer on the show itself? If I recall correctly, he was the head writer, and married to Grayson Hall (Julia Hoffman). That should give credence to his views on how it could have ended.

  3. No, Allen, I did not re-read this article in the last few years, so I missed that! Here is Hall's obit:
