Friday, January 30, 2015

Cyrus Atwill, Human Scum

Here in the middle of the first story of Superman #176 from 1965, the time-traveling Superman and Super-Pets have discovered a man whose every conduct is animal-UN-friendly.  He is nearly counterbalanced by a gent named Henry Bergh, who is a voice for humane treatment of animals, including the circus beasts where Kal-El and company (undercover as Superb-O and his Performing Animals) are basing.
 Bergh and Superb-O have just relieved the plight of a bunch of pack horses, and Bergh's trying to raise money for a fund to take care of all mistreated critters.  This while they observe Atwill, that lovely example of humanity, get his kicks from all sorts of low-down behavior.

BTW, the dandy in blue attire is Bergh; the guy in the green suit is our leading man, Kal-El -- I mean Clark Kent -- I mean, Superman -- I mean, Superb-O.

Now comes the part of the story that will satisfy the heart of every kid who wanted to stand up to a bully.  This particular situation seems worse, in that the animals being mistreated CAN'T stand up for themselves, and are pretty much helpless unless another human comes to their aid.

Or, unless some Super-Pets chip in!

First up in the re-education of Cyrus Atwill:  A wild ride with Super-Horse!  Up in the air, Junior Junkman!

Next, Atwill figures he'll cream that dumb ol' dog standing next to the junkpile he's collecting.  Hmm.  The dog doesn't yelp.  The scrap iron Atwill throws breaks and bounces off, while the dog stands there like a ... like a ... like a STATUE!

Man, that is some "special, quick-drying cement"!  Of course, it had super-breath helping it set.

Next up ... Streaky, in disguise as a harmless little kitty-cat who shows up begging for scraps.  Now, Atwill is a jerk in nearly every way, but one observation of his is true:  If you reward begging, you encourage such behavior.  That also applies to human behavior and government entitlements!  (That's why job programs, recreation, and education are so much better than just bein' on the dole.)

It's a good thing that Streaky's powers are still "on."  Otherwise that tar, and its removal BY HEAT VISION might have been a little painful.

As we leave Atwill playing horseshoes and unrepentant of his brutish behavior, let's spend the weekend wondering in what way Superman and Streaky will "get even with that rat, Atwill!"  I don't think that the cat gets to eat the rat, though she might play with him a little bit ...

See you Monday!

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