Friday, February 01, 2008

Copyright by Joanne Siegel and Heirs!

This hyar guy's name is no longer to be found much around the DC Corral. Ever since the Law back East done judged 'im to be propertied to Jerry Siegel's Estate, all of a sudden there's nary a Superboy to be found at the Dagnabbed Company whut got rich off'n him and his kin.
Anyways, this hyar guy, as seen on this card, is a carbon-copy of some type.
The news in these parts is, that the latest guy to bear the name has been renamed Stupid-Man Prime or somethin' suchlike.
All because the Dangblasted Critters are skeered to use this hyar fella's name OUT LOUD and IN PRINT, cuz iff'n they DO, they'll have to pay a few cents to Pappy Siegel's poor grandchildren.
In my sights, it's Durned Criminal to treat the Siegels thataway.
Whut do YOU fellers think?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:43 PM

    My goodness, you have an extensive collection of ephemera. I love Superman, but I have to admit that I've always had a soft spot in my heart for Green Arrow and Black Canary.

    See I told you I'd go look at your blog.
