Friday, October 13, 2006

Lost Treasure of Oklahoma City

When we came to Oklahoma City in the mid 1970s, there were lots of fun places that no longer exist. I didn't even get to visit some of them, such as Molly Murphy's. Others, because we went to OCU in NW OKC, we were more likely to visit.
Shakey's Pizza Parlor was at NW 39th Expressway & May Ave. This yo-yo is electric! It holds a double-A battery, copper contacts, and a small flashlight bulb in each half. When the yo-yo rotates, centrifugal force propels the contacts to connect, making the yo-yo light up! Of course, now the contacts have corroded, and the lights don't work, rats!
J.B. Nimble's Ice Cream Parlor was where NW 63rd St and the Northwest Expressway intersect. Right now I think the site is a car dealership! At any rate, J.B. Nimble's was a "destination," with bright lights, parties going on, and the infamous "Kitchen Sink." This concoction arrived at your table in a roughly 4 x 12-inch dish, said dish being upheld above its base by a miniature U-trap (plumbers take note). Just as it sounds, the Kitchen Sink was a LOT of ice cream, nuts, and toppings. If one person could finish the whole thing, they received the famous Kitchen Sink Award. The mists of time forbid me from remembering which of my cohorts earned the honor.


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Where exactly was Shakey's located ? S.E. corner?

  2. I believe that's the general location.
