Thursday, February 20, 2025

The End of Row Three

Here are the next cards of the third hand of four.
Watchmen introduced me to a layered fictional world of superheroes and super misfits.  Rorschach stood out to me for his uncompromising aspects.  Not his psychotic ones.
Underdog may have been a parody, but his goodness sure ran true for me!  Of course, I usually was more like Shoeshine Boy -- the lovable part, anyway!
For me, the album Brain Salad Surgery is a classic album of prog rock, plus a classic look towards a future partially true now.  "Load your program -- I am your self," the computer warns.
Old chum, let's celebrate rightness and resist evilness!
I say it's duck season, and I say -- FIRE!
This view of John Wayne is from The Quiet Man, a wonderfully told tale of regrets, love, and getting back at a bully.

See you on Monday!

Monday, February 17, 2025

Cards 27-33

Or, more images of things I love!
Being around a pretty girl always makes me act like Max.
Yup, I watched the Beatles cartoon show on ABC on Saturday mornings.  The only storyline I specifically remember involved their meeting a vampire girl.  One of the songs excerpted in the sequence was "Chains," I believe.
The Munsters were clunkier than the Addamses, but still lotsa fun.
Irascible, judgmental, driven -- a perfect example of fallible humanity.
If you love devilish violin music, you know all about Niccolò Paganini, writer of 24 demonic caprices and other fun stuff, all written to showcase his viruosity.
Why yes, this spy is indeed much more suave than the doouble-zero guy.
Well, their music slaps me silly, inspires me, and still provokes folks to stupefaction (and sometimes mockery).

Well, my friends, I'll see you Thursday.  Come on back!