Thursday, February 13, 2025

Halfway Through!

Here are cards 21-26 of my desktop hands.
Good ole Aich-Pee-Ell -- you gotta love him for widening your vocabulary, if for nothing else!
Another character who appealed to adolescent feelings of exclusion.
I relish the thunderous power of Wagner's music, and his insights into the corruptibility of people.
See?  They CAN'T be the same guy!
Red Skelton in his persona of Freddie the Freeloader.
And another of them thar Men from U.N.C.L.E.  Solo was suave, Kuryakin was cool, baby!

See you on Monday, fellow pop-culturites!

Monday, February 10, 2025

Adventures Wide and Deep

Here's the first part of the second row of the desktop image I crafted from things which warped my younger self ... for the better, I promise!
Talk about adventure!  The cast of Jonny Quest lived it every week.
I was always enthralled by WC Fields' world-weariness, and his sly asides.  It ain't a fit night out for man nor beast!  foof
Dick Ward's Robin was just as eager as I would have been, even with the avuncular Batman he worked with.
I loved Poe's self-conscious sense of poor-little-me, evinced by so many of his lost-love, destroyed-dreams narratives.  He could construct a gim-crack poem like "The Raven," AND justify it with such inspired folderol as "The Philosophy of Composition."
Another person whose creativity and constructive talents leave me stupefied.
Mighty Mouse can save my day ANY day!
If you don't recognize her on sight, this is "my" Emily, hight Dickinson.  Her ability to construct poems of seeming simplicity which nevertheless echo throughout my heart is unparalleled.  I am content to remain a nobody with her.

See you Thursday, fellow nobodies!