Thursday, February 06, 2025

Trust Me ... I Know What I'm Doing

Yup, that's the catchphrase of Sledge Hammer, the first of this instalment of cards for my desktop.
This outrageous 1986-88 cop satire was so over the top that it dug a hole on the other side.
An All-American Family we all wish to emulate!
This here is Gary Cooper in High Noon, as a great heroic character who must defend himself from a bad guy's revenge after his so-called friends turn tail.
This fellow had a big influence on wanting to stay up late as a youth.
I really liked this version of Supergirl.
I DO believe in spooks, I DO believe in spooks!

Well, that's the first row of four hands.  The beginning of row number two on Monday.

Monday, February 03, 2025

February Brings Things I Love!

Yep, this month we're gonna take a trip to the past. I've previously showed the desktop image I created for my laptop PARD (Pretty Awesome 'Ritin' Device).  Well, a year or or so ago, ole PARD gave up the ghost and I got a new laptop, appropriately named BUDDY, for our late bestest dog.
Here we are going to give you a good look at each of the cards in this 52-card deck of favorites.
Fantastic Theatre played old sci-fi and monster movies on weekend nights in the Tulsa, OK area.  The host was the urbane(to us kids) Peter Hardt.  A page about Fantastic Theatre here.
Of course, George Reeves as Superman had a huge impact on our middle-America lives.  He was super but approachable, and had a bit of a paunch that in no way interfered with Super Stuff.
As we hit the ages when we wanted to rebel against all authority, 1967's Number Six, The Prisoner, was there to prove that resistance was possible, even though ultimately useless ... kind of like doing a synchronized pencil drop in study hall!
The upright Captain Kirk showed the decisiveness we adolescent boys wished to emulate.  He saw a pretty girl and knew just what to say to get her to talk back. 
One of my oldest friends was the Frankenstein Monster, alive in a world he didn't ask to be born in.  He started out only wanting knowledge and friendship, and look what happened to him!  (We can always do that OTHER adolescent tactic and blame the society or the parent!)
What pre-teen wouldn't love to strut down the street to applause, being cheered for just WHO THEY ARE?!!!?  Plus a wiser older brother or cousin to show you the ropes.
When I watched the imported broadcasts of The Avengers, I couldn't really follow every little thing.  I understood that they were the good guys.  He said smart-aleck comments the way I wish I could.  She wore tight clothes which were probably terribly uncomfortable, but were eye candy for twelve-year-olds.  Even more interestingly, she was a full partner and did lots of the karate-hai-yah stuff.

Well, that's the first patch of things that warped me into the beautiful mess I am today, kids!  Do you too have memories of these icons, or others?  See you Thursday!