Thursday, August 08, 2024

I've Seen the Saucers

... So says the 1974 Elton John song.

But long before that, I was fascinated by the idea.  As seen by my juvenile saucer blueprints, or first attempts at fiction.
But I had fun faking saucers, too!  This one isn't a mothership over our street in Bartlesville, it's (natch) a red Frisbee.  Still, I did a good job of snapping the photo after tossing the thing!
Here's an even closer encounter!  Fellow sixties kids will recognize this landed saucer as the primary hull of the U.S.S. Enterprise model from AMT, with some added "landing gear."  At the right is a very hard-to-see Matchbox vehicle I wanted to pass off as an alien landing craft.
Here's someone else's photo of the same toy.

Well, what do you think?  Weren't my kiddie pix -- umm, childlike?  At least you gotta give me points for fun!  See you Monday.

Monday, August 05, 2024

Leading to Utter Rune

Here is an article from the January 1969 issue of Science Digest.

As you can tell from the first image, I liberated this article from the Sooner High library.  I can only hope that I did it with permission!

As you might imagine, the idea of runes was interesting thanks to ole Tolkien, darn him!  See you Thursday.