Thursday, April 11, 2024

Jingle Dupes All the Way

Two commercials aired in the OKC area struck me because they have a closing musical fragment that not only contains the same notes, but might be sung by the same woman.

Here’s a TV ad for “Visiting Angels.”  Listen to their name sung at the end.

And see if the same four of five notes aren’t the same in this commercial for “Living Spaces.”

Do the purchasers of ad campaigns have a right to some sort of exclusivity?  On the other hand, if you can sell the same thing more than once, is it wrong?

See you Monday!

Monday, April 08, 2024

A Sandbox Insurrection?

When you read a lot of books or consume media in general, you begin to notice similarities sometimes.
This is a pretty good book, published in 2023, about a self-aware AI and the possibilities of havoc such a thing might create.  The face represents the AI escaping from, you guessed it, a sandbox -- the term for a self-enclosed, airgapped kind of environment where it couldn't mess with the outside world.  But, that cover image reminded me of ...
This here's the poster for the 1998 lesser TREK film Star Trek Insurrection.  The face here is one of the bad-guy, face-stretching aliens.  Don't you see the resemblance?
And BOTH of them remind me of Molasar, the rascal from the 1983 movie The Keep.

Coincidence?  Perhaps!  or ... ?