Thursday, February 16, 2023

Grown-Up Valentines

That is, valentines from grown-ups to me!

The above was from our long-suffering first-grade teacher Mrs West.  How did she know I loved dinosaurs?!?!  In the 1960s, it was a safe bet that any kid loved dinosaurs!  (No comment on the resemblance of this cave boy to characters from The Flintstones, which began in 1960.)

This one is from my paternal grandparents, who were on the less-boisterous end of the spectrum.  The boy almost looks like a refugee from the Campbell Soup Kids family -- or perhaps Buster Brown's long-lost cousin.

See you Monday!

Monday, February 13, 2023

An Anonymous Love

It's from Valentine's, 1962. That was Mrs Pickell's class.

If you got an unsigned Valentine nowadays, would it be classified as passive-aggressive?  Or maybe just a boy who was forced by circumstance to send "love" greetings to another boy?

See you Thursday.