Thursday, January 27, 2022

Time and Tech Stumble Onward!

All of these ads are from the April 27, 1981 issue of Time mag.
The company Compucorp still exists as Compuco
Kodak exists and wants you to tour its smart factory
Pioneer's LaserDisc, like the postmodern CD, used a laser to read digital info.

In contrast, RCA's VideoDisc was a magnetic storage system.  

And 40 years later, all of these functions are in the phone in somebody's back pocket.  Progress?  You tell me.

Monday, January 24, 2022

Maybe These Folks Gave Up on New Comics, Too

This is from the January 1, 1993 Oklahoman.

It took a few decades, but several years ago I gave up on new comics. I was a DC fan, and I was tired of being jerker around by reboots and gigantic crossover events. Give me the silly Silver Age, when there were only a dozen or so Earths!

I wonder if any of these youngsters are still reading "new" comics?  What about you?