Thursday, June 10, 2021

Friends Are Forever, but Banks Aren't

 According to a website called US Bank Locations, Friendly National Bank was established in 1964.  In 1994 it was absorbed into Bank One.

I still have a zippered bag from them, it's often used as part of the financial equipment of SoonerCon.
Inside a paperback I found one of their change orders.  BTW, the jingle from one of their TV commercials ran, "Friends are forever, at Friendly national Bank!"

See you on Monday!


Monday, June 07, 2021

It's a Mystery of Steel!

 Here's some rabidly stocked speculation about the afterlife of the recently deceased Superman, from the June 1993 issue of Comics Scene.

If I remember rightly, it turned out that the real Superman's spirit had transmogrified into Captain Carrot?  Correct me if I'm wrong.

See you on Thursday!