Thursday, February 04, 2021

February's Calendar Page: 1971 = 2021!

Get a load of all those hearts in the February, 1971 PsychoFLAIRapy Calendar!
First is the original calendar page.
And here's a cleaner version, for those of you without a friends named "Deb" whose birthday is on the 12th.
See you on Monday with some comic-book love!

And PS -- I assume the little critter at the top of the pile of hearts in the page-header illo is the PsychoFLAIRapy version of a groundhog!

Monday, February 01, 2021

MA-159 - Illicit Appetites!

Yes, it's another music compilation which demonstrates that the course of true love many involve neither love nor truth.

01 - Midget - VTKMS - 1979  (2:24)

02 - Android Love - Ozzie - 1977  (3:42)

03 - I'm in Love with a Cat - Anti-Band - 1983  (1:54)

04 - Dig It Up - Hoodoo Gurus - 1984  (3:35)

05 - I Like Motorcycles - Vermilion & the Aces - 1979  (2:49)

06 - In the Slot - The Adaptors - 1979  (2:33)

07 - Don't Forget Me Tommy - The Freeze - 1981  (3:45)

08 - Computer Love - Western Hysteria - 1980  (3:31)

09 - Suburban Incest (Harry's Song) - Die Hausfrauen - 1981  (4:00)

10 - Love Makes You Crazy - Mike Batt - 1982  (3:35)

11 - Magazine Sex - Max Load - 1979  (2:27)

12 - I Saw My Baby in the Meat Section - The Happy Cadavers - 1982  (2:29)

13 - Stephanie - Brian and the Nightmares - 1986  (2:41)

14 - (I'm into) Necrophilia - The Amazing Space Frogs - 1979  (2:55)

15 - Robot Love - The Valves - 1977  (3:03)

16 - See the Children - The Cure - 1977  (3:10)

17 - If Boys Got Pregnant - The Orchids - 1979  (2:02)

18 - Laboratory Baby - Los Reactors - 1981  (1:06)

19 - Your Manikin Hand - Gluons - 1983  (3:45)

20 - Corpse Grinder - The Meteors - 1987  (2:56)

21 - The Best Big Mistake - Woody Patty - 1991  (2:25)

22 - My Girlfriend Is a Rock - Nervebreakers - 1978  (3:27)

23 - Chinese Dragon - Jezebel - 1982  (2:19)

24 - I Danced All Night with a Hamster Until I Trod on It - Jerry Jamrag & the Afterbirths - 1977  (1:38)

25 - Mary's in a Coma - The New Avengers - 1981  (3:37)

26 - Mars Bars - The Undertones - 1979  (2:07)

27 - I Hate You - Zoom - 1978  (2:01)

28 - Puke It Up - Zombina & the Skeletones - 2008  (2:38

The original art is from DC's Young Love #85.

CORRECTED 2022 LINK!!! MA-159 - Illicit Appetites!

So, fans of infatuation, tell me what you think.

See you on Thursday!