Monday, April 13, 2020

Speaking of Jesus Christ Superstar ...

             On Easter Sunday, April 12, NBC mounted a big, spiffy version of Jesus Christ Superstar.  It was certainly competent, but I became miffed when I noticed that some lines were changed.

            I tuned out when the Mary Magdalene character started a song which waren’t in the original 2-LP version.

            I was also disappointed with Alice Cooper’s turn as King Herod.  I certainly hoped for a little more flash and pizazz from this performer, especially paired with this song. 

            Unfortunately for you, my chillun, this got me to remembering a much more inept performance of this Rock Musical ... at least the title role!

            It was early 1975, and Clark Memorial United Methodist Church in Oklahoma City was one of the churches I visited on Sundays, about 3 miles from the beautiful campus of Oklahoma City University.

            I was a college freshman, and dropped in on meetings of their Youth Group.  Turns out they had decided to perform Jesus Christ Superstar.  Now lost to the reaches of time is ... how I ended up in the title role. Unfortunately, these six photos are all I have ... no paper program, nor names of the other participants.

            This gal was Mary Magdalene.

            This happy camper was King Herod, and mighty pleased with his royal entourage, don’t you think?

            Yours truly making a triumphal entry on Palm Sunday.
            My big solo in the Garden of Gethsemane.

            Judas (black shirt and white tie) has just delivered the fatal kiss of betrayal.
            Here cameth the forty stripes less one.

            Now, my friends, you have proof of my delusions of godhood.  I can only plead diminished capacity due to extreme youth.  The real Messiah is alive and well ... and He loves you!

            See you next Monday for some less serious silliness, as April Foolishness continues!