Monday, April 29, 2019
Plastino Plagiarizes Personally Proprietary Poses
The legendary Superman artist Al Plastino (1921-2013) worked for DC Comics from 1948 until the 1970s, even contributing to the 1996 Superman’s Wedding Album. He drew Supergirl’s origin story in Action #252.
His style is distinctive, but more “cartoony” Curt Swan or Wayne Boring.
Our topic today is Plastino’s penchant for self-plagiarization. You see, he liked to repeat himself.
Take for instance, two issues of Action Comics.
Action #306 is cover-dated November, 1963. While this fine cover art is by Curt Swan, the story inside is drawn by Al Plastino.
Action #340, cover-dated August, 1966, introduced DC villain, the Parasite. This time the cover art is by Plastino.
For my argument, I’ll let the graphics do the convincing.
Above: From “The Great Superman Impersonation!” page 3, panel 4.
Above: From “Power of the Parasite!” page 12, panel 3.
Another pair of images:
“The Great Superman Impersonation!” page 3, panel 5.
“Power of the Parasite!” page 14, panel 2.
Let’s rotate the image for extra sarcasm:
Pair number three:
“The Great Superman Impersonation!” page 11, panel 3.
“Power of the Parasite!” page 9, panel 1.
Your honors, I rest my case. Mr Plastino retraced his own art sometimes. A crime? No. Something funny to notice? Heck yeah!
And this wraps up April Foolishness – 2019 Edition, campers. Thanks for stopping by. Please come back on Monday, May 6, for the beginning of the musical Month of May, which will feature a new music compilation every Monday and Thursday!