And you can buy this jewel RIGHT NOW from the publisher and get it with Marc Cushman's own sneaky-but-charming autograph.
This is another many-hundreds-of-pages book, jam-packed with all you may need to know -- more than you thought COULD be known -- about the arc of STAR TREK creator Gene Roddenberry's life and work from 1970 to 1975.
Roddenberry worked on movies, TV series which never came to pass, several TV movies, and … the TV return of Star Trek.
That's right, campers, this volume covers all episodes of ST:TAS from story pitch through broadcast, just as TOS was documented in the first three volumes of this series..
Marc is not only kind enough to let me wrangle his words, he joked about it in the copy he signed for me:
He says, "Thank you for letting me take the credit (or blame) for it."
You see, in January Marc appeared on a radio talk show. I called in to harass him, and waited on hold for awhile. In the meantime, a caller came on. This guy harangued Marc concerning the dates on which a certain Star Trek episode was filmed. He said he had gone to the archives and that Marc got some of the shooting dates wrong.
As politely as possible, Marc said he would love to be contacted by the caller with any documentation or proof that the book was wrong. Nobody's perfect, after all.
My turn on the radio came next, and I quickly pointed out that all the GOOD STUFF in the book is Marc's responsibility. Any mistakes should be blamed solely on the editor -- me!
Both Marc and the radio host got a chuckle out of that, then I briefly narrated the stupendous amount of detail in the book. Nobody could do better, I avow.
That's what Marc's personal inscription refers to.
Now you may discover the exciting truth for yourself, Star Guys and Space Gals!
And stay tuned for the next volume in the series, which is presently only a gleam in Mr Cushman's eye (or nightmares, ha-ha).