Thursday, January 10, 2019

Three Sgt Pepper Reviews from 1967

While looking for something in the attic, I came across a box of articles I nabbed from various mags.

Here is the august New Yorker's review of Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band on June 24, 1967:

Below is Newsweek's survey from its June 26, 1967 issue:
Obviously, at some time in my past, I cut out the image (probably the album art).  It may have been for a cassette dub of the album.  This would have been when my version of a tape dub was achieved by dangling the cassette-corder's wired mic between two speakers. The speakers were face-to-face, with a blanket draped over them.

High Fidelity's August, 1968 issue had this to say:
Another case of a cutout illo.

See you again next Monday, folks.

Monday, January 07, 2019

From 1981: Coleco's Table-Top Pac-Man

With or without spousal approval -- I honestly do not recall -- I spent about 50 bucks in 1981 at the JC Penney in OKC's Shepherd Mall for this beauty:
Here are scans of the instructions:

I took the picture at the top of this post on New Year's Day a week ago.  The thing still works!

As proof, herewith is an experimental first -- the first video posted on the Super Blog.  One word of warning:  The video was shot with the same ten-year-old Pantech phone as the photo.  So, the video tech is about one-third as old as the game!

Enjoy this trip down memory lane.  See you on Thursday!