Thursday, August 24, 2017

MA-94 - It Encroached from the 1980s

In this music compilation, we take an overdue look at that often overlooked era in popular music, the 1980s.

What? You mean it's NOT overlooked?  Well, most of these songs ARE.  But they're really fun!

01 - ADSR - Mo   1982   (2:21)

02 - Ayatollah - The Swingers   1981  (3:37)

03 - Everybody Wants to Work - Uncanny X-Men   1984  (3:11)

04 - At the Village Gates - White Glove Test   1986  (5:17)

05 - Faeries (Living at the Bottom of the Garden) - Renaissance   1981  (4:00)

06 - China - Red Rockers   1983  (4:00)

07 - The Hots for You - Brian Brain   1981  (1:53)

08 - As Forever as You - Face to Face   1988  (4:10)

09 - She Goes Out with Everybody - The Spongetones   1982  (2:27)

10 - Touch - I'm So Hollow   1981  (3:51)

11 - Pumping Iron - The Flatbackers   1980  (3:04)

12 - We Are Frank Chickens - Frank Chickens   1984  (4:41)

13 - Tell Yourself the Truth - Skank   1985  (4:24)

14 - No One's Girl - Unit 5   1981  (3:40)

15 - All Day Long - X-Teens   1984  (3:44)

16 - Starlight Jingles - Radio Heart   1987  (4:11)

17 - Dancin' on the Power Lines - Jim Foster   1986  (4:44)

18 - Pull Me - Jenson Interceptor   1983  (3:15)

19 - Suit of Nails - 17 Pygmies   1985  (3:34)

20 - Hello, I Am Your Heart - Bette Bright and the Illuminations   1981  (3:09)

21 - Still Life in Radio - Age of Mirrors   1987  (4:12)

Many of these songs have only one release, though some can also be found on Spockify or iGoons or some of those services.

There's a lot of distinctiveness (some might say oddness) here, along with some pretty stuff.

Track 1 is a wry observation on the way that music synthesizers with their multiple capabilities might soon put life performers out of business.  ADSR is a term relating to the musical performance of synths.

Track 2, of course, relates to that hairy guy whose followers in Iran took all those hostages in November, 1979.

Track 5 is a charming fantasaical romp.

Did you know that the lead singer for Radio Heart, the group behind the glittery pop confection of Track 16, was later-miminal-synth guy Gary Numan?

I hope you can unpack a tithe of the fun I get listening to this mishmash of silly, sincere, and oddball charm.

MA-94 - It Encroached from the 1980s -- 2021 LINK

  See you on Monday, friends!

Monday, August 21, 2017

Super Clothes #4

Yes, more!

Here’re some slip-in rubber sandals that are pretty popular around our place, fitting both six-year-old ladies and the four-year-old hunky male type.

Plus, they have super emblems on the bottom!

These sock/slippers are for the smaller set, being labeled “Toddler.”

These Super Powers slippers date from the mid-1980s, when the DC “Super Powers” campaign began.  They're labeled size 10.  That's kid's size 10; the length of each slipper is barely the  height of a mass-market paperback.

See you Thursday with another new music compilation.