Thursday, January 15, 2015

Quick, Henry, the Flit! - MA-26 - Break -Ins from Beyond

The title of this post is a joking reference to an ad campaign for Flit insecticide.  Did you know that Doctor Seuss did some ads for this product campaign, early in his career?

Anyway, the topic of today's compilation is invaders from space.  We're gonna need a bigger aerosol of Flit! (or fly-swatter).

Most of these records are formatted as break-ins.  Dickie Goodman was an early instigator.

Here's the list:

1 -    Marty on the Planet Mars Part 1   Martty  1954
2 -    Marty on the Planet Mars Part 2   Martty  1954
3 -    Santa and the Satellite Part 1  Buchanan and Goodman       1957
4 - Santa and the Satellite Part 2  Buchanan and Goodman 1957
5 - Destination Love Jan Davis 1958
6 - The Outer Space Looters Part 1 The Mad Martians 1958
7 - The Outer Space Looters Part 2 The Mad Martians 1958
8 - Flying Saucer the 3rd Buchanan and Goodman 1959
9 - Blast Off! Jimmie Haskell and His Orchestra 1959
10 - Comic Strip Rock N Roll   Robert Ashley 1959
11 - Space Ship Dickie Goodman 1960
12 - Santa and the Touchables Dickie Goodman 1961
13 - Moon Gas Dick Hyman and Mary Mayo 1963
14 - The Flying Saucer Chickenman 1966
15 - Luna Trip Dickie Goodman 1969
16 - London, London Ceatano Veloso 1971
17 - Spaceship Spontaneous Combustion 1973
18 - Calling Occupants of Interplanetary Craft Klaatu 1976
19 - Hey ET Dicklie Goodman 1982
20 - The Martian Boogie Brownsville Station 1977
21 - The Ballad of William Robinson Bill Mumy 1997
22 - Return of the Flying Saucer Jon Goodman 1997
23 - I Took A Trip on a Gemini Spaceship David Bowie 2002
24 - UFO Darryl Rhoades 2005
25 - le flying saucer hat Chairlift 2008
26 - Flying Saucers Breakfast in Fur 2009

See you in orbit, Torbett! corrected 2021 link