Monday, January 09, 2012

We Gotta Get Back in Time!

 Tasked with the task of finding the Golden Gazelle with the hidden treasure map inside, our hero comes up with a plan.  A plan which is actually pretty logical, if you think about it.  Since he knows a way to time-travel, he can find the gazelle by tracing it forward from a time when its whereabouts were known.

My question is, how was Miss Tuesday Wednesday able to so easily rattle off an exact date and time for her grandfather?  I guess it was a date sacred to their family.

I don't know the name of this Professor; he may be a recurring character from earlier issues of Bob Hope. But, he recognizes Bob and Harvard. And he sends them on their way, complete with a pocket-sized remote control so that they can bop around to other times if they wish.

Next time we will see what "appropriate clothes" Harvard will help Bob find.