Thursday, September 15, 2011

Overstreet Celebrates Superman at 50 - 1

Is Overstreet's Comic Book Price Guide still "the ultimate authority on comic book values"?  In 1988 they celebrated Superman's 50th Anniversary with a cover by some guy who was not not a famous Superman illustrator; photos of some items from collector Danny Fuchs' collection; and an interview with creators Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster.

Here are the front & rear covers and the DC's house ad celebrating the Golden Anniversary..

I would gladly pay a dollar to find out the origin of the overworked phrase (parrotted in DC's ad) referring to the such-and-such "who," or "that," STARTED IT ALL!

See you Monday!

Monday, September 12, 2011

The End of Eerie 13

Here are the rear inside and rear outside covers of Eerie #13.

A blurb on the front cover told us to "Read why the number 13 scares you!"  Well, this idea was never specifically addressed by a story in this issue, but as a representative issue of scary magazine horror from the late 1960s, this mag presented me with a little frisson.

Those finger bones marching one-by-one back to their owner in "Wentworth's Day."  The discolored eye in "Tell-Tale Heart."  The beautiful cat-girl's glow-in-the-cave eyes.  The close-up of ogre loveliness.  And on and on.

Makes me wish my allowance had been bigger back then!

See you on Thursday with some Super-pix and the beginning of a book excerpt that includes an interview with our best friends from Cleveland, Jerry and Joe.