Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Sorry, Been Reading!

Howdy folks, a mail-truck-full of books have arrived here at the ol' Fortress of Markitude the last week or so.

In between working 50+ hours a week, reading new books, and getting started on SEASON TWO of the Man from U.N.C.L.E. DVD set, I've been busier than a Three-eyed Kryptonian Babootch in a pepper factory!

This book arrived Saturday afternoon, and I finished it up Sunday evening.

It's a pretty interesting read. Among other things, I learned that the casting of Supergirl got down to Helen Slater and Brooke Shields, and that some of the helming crew (producers? writers? director? I don't remember), to this day, say that they wish they'd've gone with the Calvins girl.
I haven't forgotten you, meinen Super-Freunden! Gotta run to choir rehearsal now, though. Love ya!