Of course, Superman isn't the only hero to hold up your pants.Forthwith we present two more character belts featuring good guys who are a cinch to hold you up! (It's a pun -- go look up the definition of "cinch").They even needed belts in the Old West! Also note that brave Indian companion Tonto gets equal representation, as well he should.
Have a belt on me!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Friday, September 14, 2007
Superman Has Atlas Beat!
In the most recent issue (#8) of The Trials of Shazam!, we learn that the titan Atlas upholds the world through a network of computers and psychic nudges. Of course, how he did that thousands of years ago when there were no computers or video screens is a part of the story that I missed.
Anyway, Atlas may hold up the world, but -- as you can see here -- Superman holds up your pants, and that has GOT to be more important!
At least to your mom when you bend over!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
SPOON! (as the Tick might say)
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
I Saw the Lights!
Yep, roughly fifteen years ago (around 1992) I was shopping in "the W place" when I saw the flashlight set you see here.
I read the package, where it says, "Buy one get one free." So I took two of these packages to the register. I paid for one carded set, and tghe nice cashier girl gave me the other one, just as we both agreed the label must mean.
It was years later when I realized that the packaging means, buy one (on the card) and the other one (on the same card) was the free one.
So I guess that means I stole one of the pairs. I didn't mean it, honest Injun!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Have a Drink on Superman!
Or is that "have a drink in Superman"?
At the (Norman, OK) Medieval Fair a few years ago, I came across a merchant selling a tankard that was right up my alley!
At the (Norman, OK) Medieval Fair a few years ago, I came across a merchant selling a tankard that was right up my alley!
The part you see here is all leather. The bottom is stitched on with vinyl lacing. The thing you see sticking up in back is the mug-like handle. It sticks up, and the tankard face seems flattened slightly, because it was facedown on my scanner!
The part you drink from is a plastic insert that slides in from the top and settles in to perfectly fit the top opening. This is so your drink doesn't taste like cowhide while leaking out the bottom through the laces. Also so that you don't have to put the thing into the dishwasher (it might shrink or something).
See you next time, and don't forget to write!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Possibly Available at a Store Near You!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Great Art, on a Super Apron!
Back before I started living at a thrift store (running one that is), I used to haunt them to shop for nifty stuff.
One such nifty thing is this great arts-and-crafts-type Superman Apron. It's like a smock or a toga, covers front and back, and it's made of vinyl.
Across the front center we see Neal Adams' great rendering of Supes from the cover of Superman #233, when Kryptonite was made no more.
At the bottom left we have Curt Swan's Swanderful version of Superman in fllight; to the right we have an early Wayne Boring depiction of every kid's wished-for super-uncle.
The white strip across the front shows where there's a pouch or pockets across the bottom; the thin vertical white lines delineate stitching that separates the pouch into three pockets.
C'mon now -- cool, or what?