Thursday, December 21, 2023

There Was a Man ...

Once there came to Earth … someone different.

His mother was an Earthwoman, but his father was not from here.

In some ways, this person was like a half-breed. He had many human traits from his mother, but combined in his nature was the influence of his father.

This person could see into the truth of situations. He became known for his knowledge and wisdom. He used the gifts of his combined heritage to advance knowledge and understanding. He could see into another’s mind.

He had few friends, for he was obviously … different. But the few who troubled to know him came to love him, though it was seldom said out loud.

Finally, an adversary from ages past rose up against his closest friends—an adversary with the power to destroy everything he held dear.

There was only one way to save his friends. This person willingly sacrificed himself to save others from the enemy’s intent.

Even stranger, he left word before his death that even this death might be conquered.

And when his friends came to the place where his dead body had lain, he wasn’t there! The place was empty. He’d returned to life, which was unbelievable … until they saw him for themselves.

And only then could his best friend admit, “You saved us all.”
This is not Him. Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 18, 2023

This Must Be a Subconscious Plotline

Last year I finished a fun book for bedside reading.  The author wrote several fass-kin-atin' books on sociology and fringe beliefs.  This one is a lot of fun.

One of the entries covered a film I have certainly never heard of elsewise.  Vide, below:
Hey, Star Trekkers!  Can you read this summary and NOT think of Star Trek -- The Motion Picture?  A space menace headed to Earth, sent by a planet of machines, and a guy who goes up with the space menace in a flash of glory.  Wow!

See you Thursday.  Until then, rewatch the first Trek film, and track down that 1961 movie.  Tell me if the older flick has such a similarity as Lewis's summary implies.  Don't forget to double-space your reports!