Thursday, November 09, 2023

Superboy TV, Part 5

More of the promo folder for Season Two of Superboy, aired in 1988-89.
The motif is pages from a phone book.  Like a phone book in a phone booth.  Like a phone booth that somebody might go into to change clothes.  Right?
They might be "photos," but they're slides.
Did TV stations of the 80s and 90s use slides, not photos, in their promos?  I don't know.

BTW, this treasure of Super History was courtesy of the gentle giant Mark Barragar, 1959-2011.  We still love ya and miss you, my friend!

See youse guys Monday.

Monday, November 06, 2023

I Gotcher Details Right Here!

I came across the wondrous little tome at a book sale at my alma mater, OCU (Oklahoma City University).

This quick-reference little book, copyrighted 1934, is stupendous in its brief scope.
The inside front cover is above.
The copyright page.
Even the Intro is punchy and concise!
The first working page, next to my pica pole, to show the scale.
A random spread to show the brevity and depth.
The inner rear endpapers.

Isn't this book a thing of beauty?  If only you could riffle its pages yourself and marvel at the depths of factitude at your fingertips.  It ain't exhaustive, and modern-day magic computer tech makes you want to scoff, but to me this little book is a wonderful example of digested knowledge and helpfulness.

See you Thursday.  Don't take any wooden facts!