Thursday, September 14, 2023

Super Clothes 8

In this installment of Super Clothes, it's a collection of kids' shirts.
This one might have been sold as a separate.

The two above were obviously part of a set.  All parents will recognize the snaps at the bottom, to secure the top to the waistband of the pants.  A little about the "Super Juniors" or here.
"Last Son of Krypton" sounds kind of depressing, now that you think about it.
Good ol' Super Friends!
This possible pajama top, from PCA, is size 6.  The others have no remaining size tags.

Have you scored any silly Super Stuff from thrift stores or garage sales?

Monday, September 11, 2023

Alan Moore Checklist, 38 Years Later

Riding on the waves of WATCHMEN anticipation, this list of Alan Moore comics work appeared in the May 15, 1985 issue of Amazing Heroes.  That's issue #71.

How many of these works have you read? Does Sturgeon's law apply to our favorite comics creators?

See you Thursday!