Thursday, April 20, 2023

Liberty in the Living Room

One day I chanced to look upwards.  I noticed the Liberty Bell in our living-room ceiling.
Below is a close-up.  It's about as big as your outspread hand.
Below is a clipart bell superimposed,
And bour last image is my freehand outline around this strange, accidental artifact.
You can see it, can't you?  I'm not mad for liberty?

See you Monday, fellow Fools for Freedom!

Monday, April 17, 2023

Lost Atlantis -- Found in the Fridge

Sometimes you see interesting shapes in semisolid foods.  Could be a pool of oil in your peanut butter.  Or the monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey in your butter dish.  Or a particularly forbidding lunar landscape in your bowl of oatmeal.
Mashed potatoes don’t count, Roy Neary!
Back to our house … At Thanksgiving time we got ready to eat some pumpkin pie.  THANK YOU JOYCE!  We didn’t use whip-cream-in-a-can (too many itchy trigger fingers and open mouths).  We went with good ol’ Cool Whip.
But when I got ready to put the top back onto the tub, I paused at a familiar shape.  It made me think of Ignatius Donnelly, and Otto Muck, and Plato—that is, I thought of Atlantis!
Specifically, it reminded me of Thera, aka Santorini, the little Greek island which blew its top and might have ended the Minoan Empire.
What do you think?
See you on Thursday!