Thursday, November 24, 2022

The Lone Gunman Shoots Back

... According to this news brief from OMNI magazine's June 1983 issue.
Ensuing decades of analysis have weighed in on the side of "no proof of shots recorded."  The sounds on the recording don't match up with either the timeline of events in Dealey Plaza, nor with how a gunshot would be recorded in this medium.

However, that this recording don't document the shooting -- this has no relationship to how many shooters nor where they was!

See you Monday, fellow headscratchers!

Monday, November 21, 2022

Did the LADIES HOME JOURNAL Remember It Right?

Only you can decide, after reading this feature from the November 1983 issue.

The article isn't quite fawning, but it follows the usual pattern of emoting with its subjects.  It isn't intended as a political or moral survey, so I think it stands up A-OK.

Are you ancient enough to recall getting the news?  Like the kids mentioned here, I didn't quite understand what was going on.  I had just got back to my first-grade classroom after lunch when a voice came over the intercom telling us to all go home.

After walking home, I couldn't figure out why Mom's soap operas weren't on the TV.  It was the right channel, but no As the World Turns that Friday!

See you next time.