Thursday, November 10, 2022

But Do You Support the Pathologists?

This article from the May 20, 1992 Oklahoman drags the doctors who worked on the second- or third-hand JFK corpse to the side of the Warren Commission.
While a doctor with kewl tewls and lotsa info might be able to proclaim that two (only two, to quote Bill Cosby) killed the body in question, these medicos were neither adept at their tasks, nor in control of the procedure.

Military and civilians in the peanut gallery during the procedures (more than one might have occurred) gave orders to the docs.  Full X-rays of the entire body were either not done or not shown to these supposedly authoritative docs.

And, of course, there's no way that someone in receipt of a murder victim can know how many people did the deed (unless there were only one easy-to-assess wound).

What do you think?  More on the supposed medical authorities and the unreliable government treatment of its recent boss anon.

See you Monday!

Monday, November 07, 2022

JFK Came Back!

That is, at least once!
That's according to this August 7, 1984 article from The Examiner.

Some of this month -- heck, maybe all this month -- I'll be sharing various angles on the murder of our 35th president.  If you believe the government's one-lone-nut line, you are ingenuous or uninformed.  I don't know the answer, but there was enough pussyfooting before and after the murder, performed by entities uncontrolled by Oswald, to indicate that it wasn't a simple loser-seeks-fame-by-killing-big-man.

That's not to say that I believe in the folderol of the above article.  It's just silly fun.

See you on Thursday!