Saturday, October 01, 2022


Be here every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for spooky or fun things with a Halloween tilt!

Here's one of my costumes from around 1964.  The mask is gone, but its memories linger ... just like the memories of fun we'll share all of this coming!

Come back on Monday for a new Halloween-music comp, the first of a series of Halloween comps every Monday, all month!
See you then!

Thursday, September 29, 2022

Were You There?

On February 20, 1983, ABC-TV presented the first broadcast of Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
Above is the two-page ad in TV Guide.

Did you watch?  I was ready, sports fans, and made a video recording.  How thrilling to see the new footage!
I wasn't the only one thrilled, as evidenced by the above letter printed in the March 19, 1983 issue of TV Guide.
Don't ask me why, but I took at least one photo of the TV screen during the showing too. This is the scene when Kirk arrives at Engineering to put the whammy on Captain Decker.  Kirk is looking down over the railing to where Decker and Scott are.  Next, Kirk will hop onto the one-man elevator and lower himself so as to lower the boom.

Speaking of BOOM, this is the end of TREKKING WITH CLIPPINGS.  Sneak back here on Saturday, October 1, for the beginning of this year's BLOG-O-WEEN!  With new posts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for the whole freakin' month!

Be there or BE SCARED!

Monday, September 26, 2022

Star Trek Makes You Smarter

We already knew that!
But now we have the National Enquirer to back us up!  (That's the December 14, 1993 issue.)

Of course, you could argue that any pastime which stimulates the ol' noggin can make you a better cogitator.  By those standards, friends, you guys are PURE GENIUS!

See you Thursday with more brain boosting!