Thursday, June 09, 2022

I Jogged with Takei! I Mugged with Doohan!

In 1983 I was working for Circle K and arranged to be off so I could go to Tulsa. Why?
That's who, why!

Now, in 1978 I'd helped George Takei at his autograph table in OKC.  (PROOF HERE!)

And in 1981 we had hosted Jimmy Doohan at "our" own con.  (PROOF HERE!)

As I remember it, it was early Saturday morning that a clump of us took George up on his offer to go jogging.  I jogged along and after a block we passed a Git-n-Go, where a few other fans and I sat on the curb and waited until the jogging party to come back, whereupon we got up and pretended to have been there all along.

See you Monday!

Monday, June 06, 2022

Who Wants a "Pot" of Sex, Anyway?

Here's coverage of Star Trek: The Motion Picture from the January 8, 1980 issue of Us magazine:
Only someone trying to sell magazines would call this film "sexy."

See you on Thursday for something less pot-like, I guess.