Thursday, April 21, 2022

Butts and Buildings

Or, "Torsos and Traffic," maybe?  "Skin and Subways"?  Do they go together?  You tell me!
Above is Yes’s otherwise very good album Going for the One, from 1977.
Here is the 1978 album Cords by Synergy (Larry Fast).  Central Oklahomans might recognize one of its tracks as the title music for KOKH-25’s Million Dollar Movie in the late 1970s-to-early 1980s.
Here’s the album cover for Aerial’s album Maneuvers.  At least this butt is covered (sort of) by a skimpy swimsuit!

See ya Monday.  Keep your clothes on until then!

Monday, April 18, 2022

Spell It or Eat It

Sometimes typos appear in comic strips.
Above is the Garfield of February 13, 2019, as it appeared in the Oklahoman.  Since I never before ate a "hamburer," I decided to check online.
Do you suppose somebody at the local paper re-lettered the comic incorrectly?  Alternately, was the misspelled version the "original," distributed version?  How could that be so -- I mean, don't bigshot cartoonists have proofreaders?

'Tis a mystery.  See you Thursday!