Thursday, December 16, 2021

Ah, for the Olden Days of Only a Handful of Earths!

These two pages are from Amazing Heroes #36, cover-dated December 1, 1983.

Eight Earths ... not a hundred, not fifty-two, but eight.  Ain't that sufficient?

I really wish that writers were creative enough to tell stories in just a couple of little old universes.  Instead of blowing whole cosmoses up every few years, they could try blowing up some preconceptions like continuing story arcs, neurotic heroes, and obsessive hyper-continuity.

Call 'em imaginary stories, or "what if?" and otherwise have some characters that have the same costume or girlfriend or backstory for a year or so.

Rant concluded.  See you next Monday!

Monday, December 13, 2021


At least, that's what I gleaned from this review in the December 1967 Saturday Review.

I even agree with Mike Jahn that Sgt Pepper isn't the be-all and end-all of Western Civilization.  Don't string me up!
See you Thursday.