Thursday, November 11, 2021

Can Your Pounding Hearts Stand the Stupendousness?

 Yes, that was the question every few weeks in the late 1980s, as readers gasped to learn if the new issue of Amazing Heroes might contain a missive from the legendary Sidney Mellon!

Mellon was a constructed stereotypical fanboy (I infer) used to make fun of (and celebrate) some of the thud and blunder of comics fandom.  His missives might appear in the letters section.  Or a review, filled with hyperbolic prose worshiping the most grandiose excesses of (unknowing) self-importance, might tag the "new comics" section.

This two-page opus adorned the Amazing Heroes issue for February 29, 1988.  Dare you brave the awesomosity of Mellon's incisive prose?

See you Monday!


Monday, November 08, 2021

How Many Supers Again?

Come with me now to the fabled times of yesteryear, that annum designated 1993, when DC Comics decided to play hide-the-Kryptonian-cucumber with Superman's fans.

These images came from Diamond Comics' solicitation mag called Previews.

I can only assume that I nabbed it from my friends Mike Kennedy and John Hunter, owners of OKC's Planet Comics.  Speaking of whom ...
The April 16, 1993 Oklahoman covered some of the foofaraw with a nice article containing a photo taken at Planet.

Were you innocent once, and cared which and who was the "real" Superman?  IMO, the "real" Superman drowned in a remixing bowl.  (This blog honors his ideals.)

See you Thursday!