Thursday, February 25, 2021

My Little Lamby

For this last post in this February month of love, I’m gonna tell you about my oldest friend.

My little Lamby may not look like much now, but she’s been my friend since the beginning. I have a feeling that Mom made her from terrycloth and filled her with foam rubber. Her eyes and nose are flannel dots. Sometime before my tenth birthday I got ahold of a black magic marker. I colored her eyes and made her nose a heart. You CAN see that her nose is a heart, right? 
Here I am at three months old. Mom took this picture of (L-R) Sue, Dad holding me (and me holding Lamby), and Robert. Mom made matching shirts.
I’m six months old in the above photo. Note that my blanket’s made from the same cloth as our shirts in the previous photo.
Little Lamby’s filling has mostly crumbled. Nowadays she tends to settle according to the dictates of gravity. I propped her up here, in the Fortress of Markitude, overlooked in the background by a photo of my three-year-old self.
Here we are, in a photo taken by someone who’s an even better friend. Lamby and I don’t cuddle much any more, out of respect for her brittle condition. But she has stuck with me for some 64 years now, and I ain’t gonna ditch her now!

Now, Lamby isn’t a showoff. Usually she just hangs out on a display shelf with other items of alternately detritus or treasure status.

Someday I’ll tell you about Kitty-Cat. Until then, tell me—do you have any long-lived friends from babyhood or childhood? 

See you on Monday, March 1st, for the commencement of 2021’s March Mazeppa Madness!

Monday, February 22, 2021

They Tied the Knot -- Until the Following Reboot!

Since I don't read the comic books any more -- probably more than a decade -- I have know idea whether, in the current continuity, Supes and Lois are hitched.  I've heard rumors of a Super-Kid, but ... eh, it ain't "my" Superman.

I did get all verklempt on reading The Wedding Album.  It was a nice touch to have avatars of many DC writers, artists, and creators as onlookers in the taking-the-vows panels.

See you on Thursday for another love letter -- this time to my oldest friend -- and I have photographic proof!