Thursday, May 28, 2020

MA-144 - It Shambled Forth from the 1980s

We close this month's "Musical Month of May" with a final look at the 1980s, including a track (number eight) from 1985's great, goofy, and gory The Return of the Living Dead.

01 - Confusion (Hits Us Everytime) - The Truth - 1983  (2:55)
02 - Wrong Rhumba - None if Any - 1985  (3:28)
03 - I Wanna Be Me - The Stowaways - 1981  (2:47)
04 - In Your Head - Moev - 1982  (4:28)
05 - Party Girl - Boy Trouble - 1983  (3:08)
06 - See Through You - Natural Scientist - 1982  (4:22)
07 - I Don't Want to Grow Up - Descendents - 1985  (1:21)
08 - Love Under Will - The Jet Black Berries - 1985  (2:56)
09 - Ignore Me - The Gas - 1981  (3:26)
10 - I'm Designed to Fly - Dancing Madly Backwards - 1983  (3:54)
11 - Nice - Malice in Wonderland - 1984  (4:34)
12 - Angel in My Pocket - One to One - 1986  (3:50)
13 - Lonely and Cold - Commando - 1987  (4:02)
14 - Put Me on the Radio - April Dancer - 1980  (3:27)
15 - Looker - Sue Saad - 1981  (3:41)
16 - Face Lifts - The Gymslips - 1983  (3:00)
17 - Careless Love - Inga & Anete Humpe - 1987  (4:01)
18 - Black and White - The Eyes - 1980  (4:28)
19 - Master TV - New Fun Quintet - 1982  (3:14)
20 - Small Talk - Mo - 1984  (3:23)
21 - Mind of a Toy - Visage - 1980  (4:30)
22 - Screaming in the Darkness - Pauline Murray & The Invisible Girls - 1980  (3:33)

You can't go wrong with these cuts!

MA-144 - It Shambled Forth from the 1980s -- 2022 LINK

See you on Monday for more shenanigans!

Monday, May 25, 2020

MA-97 - It Exploited the 1980s

... And now it's your turn to exploit back!

01 - TV Fan - The Staff   1981   (3:11)
02 - I Stand Alone - Luba   1980  (4:02)
03 - There's Always a Danger - Berlin   1982  (4:14)
04 - Living in America - The Telefones   1980  (3:35)
05 - Do it Yourself - The Last Words   1980  (3:34)
06 - Losing Control - The Lookalikes   1981  (3:19)
07 - Practical Joker - The Swingers   1981  (3:17)
08 - Change My Rules - LaMarca   1985  (4:31)
09 - Mental State - Unit 5   1981  (3:35)
10 - Back in My Heart - Promise   1980  (2:34)
11 - Hide and Seek - Interview   1980  (2:55)
12 - Johnny B Goode - Rexy   1981  (2:55)
13 - Gimme Love / Gimme Pain - Sue Saad and the Next   1980  (3:17)
14 - Big Girls - The Cheeters   1981  (3:28)
15 - Crime Drama - 3 Teens Kill 4   1984  (2:51)
16 - Don't Cry - Robin Lane & the Chartbusters   1980  (3:28)
17 - Living with the Jetset - Ian North   1980  (3:00)
18 - Unusual Girl - Darius and the Magnets   1982  (3:33)
19 - Boys Game - Tarzan 5   1981  (2:19)
20 - Judo Intellectuals - Moving Pictures   1983  (3:08)
21 - New Girl - The Bytes   1983  (3:19)
22 - Sheep Don't Talk Back - Spys   1983  (3:24)
23 - The Perfect Day - Fischer-Z   1987  (4:23)

It can be "The Perfect Day" for you, if you stay away from the "Boys Game" and the "Crime Drama."  You too can be "Living with the Jetset" -- but stay away from those "Judo Intellectuals," always throwin' their weight around.  While we're "Living in America," you can "Do It Yourself" without fear of "Losing Control."

Just "Don't Cry"!

MA-97 - It Exploited the 1980s 2022 CORRECTED LINK

Be thankful this Memorial day, and we'll see you on Thursday for a slam-bang (or slap-dash?) ending to the 2020 Musical Month of May!