Monday, February 04, 2019

Get Ready for Valentine's with MA-116 - Strange Love Tales

Yes, it's a conglomeration of songs in which the course of true love don't quite run true-to-societal norms …

Some people may say it's wrong, but other people are all for such things.  Or at least all for songs about such things.

01 - I'm in Love with My Car - Queen   1975  (3:10)
02 - TV Love - Simpletones   1981  (1:37)
03 - You Wanna Be Your Lover - Bilbo   1978  (2:40)
04 - The Girl and the Robot - Röyksopp   2009  (4:05)
05 - Paper Doll - The Mills Brothers   1958  (2:35)
06 - I Love Rock'n'Roll - Zombina and the Skeletones   2004  (1:36)
07 - Cold Ethyl - Alice Cooper   1975  (2:53)
08 - My Baby's Got a Crush on Frankenstein - Soupy Sales   1962  (1:58)
09 - Strange Love - Berlin   1982  (3:58)
10 - I Love an Ape - Alisa   1982  (1:39)
11 - Rubber Girl - The Pukka Orchestra   1984  (4:37)
12 - The Masochism Tango - Tom Lehrer   1966  (3:04)
13 - Ben - Michael Jackson   1972  (2:45)
14 - Robosexual - Sterling   1980  (2:35)
15 - Window Love - Hesitations   1982  (2:21)
16 - Animated Lover - Edge of the Wedge   1984  (3:33)
17 - My Girlfriend's Dead - Ian North   1980  (2:31)
18 - High Heel Shoes - The Moderates   1980  (3:41)
19 - I Want My Baby Back - Jimmy Cross   1965  (3:30)
20 - Marvin I Love You - Marvin the Paranoid Android   1981  (3:47)
21 - Nun - The Knobs   1984  (2:25)
22 - Octopus Woman Please Let Me Go - Dick Kent   1978  (2:34)
23 - The Pimple Popping Fetish Song (or, Let Me See Your Back) - Moobie Theatre   2009  (1:39)
24 - Magazine Girl - The Rousers   1980  (2:45)
25 - Robot Man - Connie Francis   1960  (1:51)
26 - Ape Man - Zombina and the Skeletones   2002  (2:37)
27 - Love on an Eleven Year Old Level - The GTO's   1969  (1:19)
28 - Dead Girls Don't Say No - The Inspectors   1985  (3:35)

I make no comments about the subjects of these songs, except to be thankful that my love breaks no laws.

MA-116 - Strange Love Tales -- 2021 LINK

Don't forget to share the love this February!

We're taking the rest of the month of February off here at the Super Blog.  be back here on Monday, March 4th for the first installment of
March Mazeppa Madness
-- An entire month dedicated to the immortal Dr Mazeppa Pompazoidi!

See you then!