Thursday, November 02, 2017

2017 Blog-o-Ween Art Source

Here's the original source for this year's Blog-o-Ween image:
It's from Captain America #24, cover-dated March, 1943.

And the resulting image was:
As you can see, I performed the sacrilege of replacing the moon and the vampire's wings.

See you here on Monday for an exciting announcement of a new book!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Hallowe'en for 2017!

For our final trip to Halloween's magical land of memories and chills, some not-chilly photos from a long-ago scary evening.

 You might call the above photo "Frankenstein."
Which would make this one "Son of Frankenstein."  Not too spooky, but plenty of fun.

That sentiment is my wish for you, Fiends and Slaybors, Boils and Ghouls ...

Happy Halloween!

See you back here on Thursday with a brief note about the Blog-o-Ween header art.