Friday, December 19, 2008

Compare and Contrast!

While reading a fine old comic, Action 288, I was struck by the final panel in the title story, "The Man Who Exposed Superman!" There's a fine drawing by Curt Swan showing Clark Kent, with Krypto, standing in front of the abandoned Kent home in Smallville.

Something about their stance struck a chord in my memory, and soon I was able to place where I'd seen that image before -- on the cover of the 9/11 comic, volume 1.
Anyway, that's what's roaming about the little grey cells this evening.
Have a great weekend!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Another Reason to Hate Doctor Light

(Apologies in advance for the partial display of the images here in the blog. The links into photobucket will show the whole image. I'm still learning, folks! Thanks for your patience.)

I picked up this little gem Saturday from my friend Mike at Time Warp Comics in Bartlesville, OK (my home town).

Here's what My Comic ( has to say about "The Secret of the Sinister Lighthouse":

Part of series Mini Comic Sugar Crisp Super Heroes "The Secret of the Sinister Lighthouse" features Batman, Robin, Superman, Wonder Woman and Aquaman in a 16-page, full color mini comic (4-1/2 x 3-1/2 inches). The Super Friends must unite against the illuminating villainy of Dr. Light. Published in 1980 as a cereal box giveaway item from Post Cereals. No cover price.

Read for yourself!