Saturday, August 30, 2008

What Do You Think?

Well, the great Filemaker "inventory" of "Mark's Books" has rounded the back turn, and with a little more than 1800 books (in the same room) listed, it's all downhill from here!

I've gotten around to inclduing all the "Super" coloring books I've come across over the years. The one shown here is from around 1989.

Look at the signature. Looks like "Fred Carillo '89" to me. But look at everything about Superman and Lois -- their faces, their body language, the way Lois's knees are together, how Superman's left knee is directly below his left elbow --

Doesn't something about this piece of art just SCREAM "Dave Gibbons!" Dave Gibbons!" a la Watchmen, 1986.

Or is it just me?

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Can't Fly? Wrestle a Shark Instead

Here we have a 1981 book called The Superman Book of Superhuman Achievements, by a guy named Shep Steneman.

It's all about all the wonderful things "mere" humans have done, like crosscountry ballooning or gliding 900 miles unpowered or walking 478 miles in only 101 days.

The funny thing is the Andru/Orlando art that decorates various pages. The marathon page includes Lois & Jimmy in jogging suits. Or check out Supes creating a hot-air balloon.

Or, is this really how hang-gliding works?

Lots of silly fun.
And don't forget the subtext .. who needs to be able to outrace trains or leap an eighth of a mile, when you can be like Hugo Zacchini, the original Human Cannonball!